1.毕竟,这个孩子太小,还不能上学。After all, the kid is too young to go to school.
2.我来自中国。I come from China.
3.我的梦想会实现的。My dream will come true.
4.她过去靠卖书为生。She used to earn her living on selling books.
5.我家离学校不远。My home isn’t far from the school.
6.我喜欢去钓鱼。I enjoy going fishing.
7.我长大后想成为一名老师。I would like to be a teacher when I grow up.
8.我每天都过得很愉快。I have a good time every day.
9.我乐于和平地生活。I enjoy living in peace.
10.我喜欢浏览英语报纸。I like looking through English newspapers.
11.我乐于和别人交朋友。I enjoy making friends with others.
12.我一点都不喜欢抽烟。I don’t like smoking at all.
13.从今以后,我不但要更加努力学习还要尽力取得更好的成绩。From now on, I not only study harder but also try my best to get better grades.
14.我偶尔喜欢去购物。I like to go shopping now and then.
15.我们一做完饭就应该把火灭掉。We should put out the fire as soon as we finish cooking.
16.我不喜欢炫耀自己。I don’t like to show off myself.
17.我以前在电脑游戏上花费了很多时间以至于我在学习上失去了兴趣。I used to spend so much time on computer games that I lost interest in study.
18.我过去常常拜访我的朋友。I used to call on my friends.
19.明天我一到美国就给你打电话。I will call you up as soon as I arrive in America tomorrow.
20.我很高兴照顾我喜欢的人。I am glad to care for the people who I care for.
21.在我回家的路上,我碰见了我的老朋友。I came across my old friend on my way home.
22.每天直到我回来,我父母才睡觉。My parents don’t go to bed until I come back every day.
23.我恭喜你取得很大进步。I congratulate you on your great progress.
24.我们应该互相学习。We should learn from each other.
25.听说你现在过得很愉快,我很高兴。I am glad to hear that you enjoy yourself now.
26.我害怕与他相处不好。I am afraid to get on badly with him.
27.我和我的朋友们玩得很高兴。I have fun with my friends.
28.我很高兴收到你的来信。I am glad to hear from you.
29.我经常看见他匆匆忙忙的去上学。I often see him go to school in a hurry.
30.我很高兴我们相互有共同之处。I am glad that we have something in common with eachother.
31.我很高兴你能信守诺言。I am glad that you can keep your word.
32.我刚才撞上了我的老朋友。I knocked into my old friend just now.
33.我的父母总是叫我别嘲笑别人。Myparents always tell me not to laugh atothers.
34.她总是一见到我就做鬼脸。She always makes a face as soon as she seesme.
35.他既不喜欢游泳也不喜欢跑步。He likes neither swimming nor running.
36.我过去常挨着他坐。I used to sit next to him.
37.他学习不如我努力。He doesn’t study so/ashard as I.
38.当然,我们应该与别人和睦相处。Of course, we should get on well with others.
39.我奶奶以前反反复复给我讲过这个故事。My grandmother used to tell me the story over and over again.
40.就我所知,北京因它悠久的历史和丰富的文化而闻名于世。As far as I know, Beijing is famous for its long history and rich culture.
41.我们应该阻止人们砍伐树木。We should stop people from cutting down trees.
42.我们应该尽力阻止动物灭绝。We should do our best ……此处隐藏2022个字……y back your money as soon as possible.
249.我喜欢上学而不愿呆在家里。I like going to school rather than stay at home.
250.每人提到昨天的事。No one referred to yesterday’s thing.
251.太阳既发光又发热。The sun sends out both light and heat.
252.美国过去发射过许多宇宙飞船。America used to send up many spaceships.
253.是该分出好坏的时候了。It’s time to separate the good from the bad.
254.该释放他们的时间了。It’s time to set them free.
255.直到我看见他们启程才回来。I didn’t come back until I saw them set off.
256.我们打算早上出发。We are going to set out in the morning.
257.他们肩并肩地走进了教室。They went into the classroom side by side.
258.我会随身带些钱以便买些吃的。I will bring some money with me so as to buy something to eat.
259.就我所知,他不但是老师还是作家。So far as I know, he is not only a teacher but also a writer.
268.我想要为你送行。I would like to see you off.
269.你必须尽快卖光所有的票。You have to sell out all the tickets as soon as possible.
270.你为什么不立刻派人请医生呢?Why don’t you send for a doctor right now?
271.我的车有点毛病,所以我不能加速。There is something wrong with my car, so I can’t speed up.
272. US代表美国。US stands for the United States.
273.别说话了,该上课了。Stop talking. It’s time for class.
274.咱们停下来休息一下。Let’s stop to have a rest.
275.北京有许多名胜古迹,比如长城、颐和园等等。There are a lot of places of interest in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and so on.
276.请你把它拿走好吗?Would you please take it away?
277.别紧张,我会帮你学英语的。Take it easy! I will help you with English.
278.屋里很冷,你最好别脱下外套。It’s verycold in the room, you had better not take off your coat.279.我们可以从容地为考试做准备。We can take our time to get ready for the test.
280.他取出了一些照片。He took out some photos.
281.昨天发生了一起交通事故。A traffic accident took place yesterday.
282.我取代了他。I took the place of him.
283.每天玩电脑游戏占用许多时间。Playing computer games takes up a lot of time every day.
284.我经常一出去就关灯。I often turn off the light as soon as I go out.
285.刚才,我阻止了他开灯。I stopped him from turning on lights just now.
286.他把电视开得很大声。He turned up TV very loudly.
287.我看见她在教室里走来走去。I saw her walk up and down in the classroom.
288.我以前怕黑。I used to be afraid of the dark.
289.我习惯晚饭后去散步。I am used to going for a walk after supper.
290.我很抱歉让你等了这么长时间。I am sorry to keep you waiting for me so long time.
291.这道数学题太难,我做不出来。This math problem is too difficult for me to work out.
292.我一点都不担心我的英语。I don’t worry about my English at all.
293.你最好记下地址。You had better write down the address.
294.如果可以的话,我会经常给你写信。I will write to you as often as possible.
295.总之,忘记不高兴的事,继续努力学习。In a word, forget the unhappy thing and keep on working hard at your lessons.
296.我相信如果你努力,一定会成功的。I'm sure you can be successful if you try your best.
297.你读的书越多,你获得的知识就越多。The more books you read, the more knowledge you will get.
298.很高兴收到你的来信。Nice to hear from you.
299.只要你用心,没有什么是不可能的。Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.
300.我期待你的好消息。I’m looking forward to your good news.